Netbits Showcase

Ways we have helped our customers

Enhancing Workforce Efficiency with BLE Beacons and Gateways

Client Overview:
Hours, a leading provider of time tracking software, recognized the evolving needs of its diverse client base. Acknowledging the demand for more efficient workforce time schedule tracking, Hours collaborated with our company to integrate Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons and gateways into their existing software framework.

Hours identified a common challenge among its clients – the need for a more efficient and automated solution for tracking workforce time schedules. Manual time tracking processes were proving cumbersome and relied on worker input.

Our team collaborated closely with Hours to implement a solution that leveraged BLE technology. By integrating BLE beacons and gateways into the Hours software, we aimed to automate the time tracking process and provide a hands-free solution for workforce time schedule management.

The implementation involved strategically deploying BLE beacons at key locations within client premises, where employee presence needed to be tracked. Gateways were installed to collect data from the beacons and seamlessly transmit it to Hours. The software was configured to interpret the data received, enabling automatic updates to employee time schedules based on their proximity to the beacons.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Automated Time Tracking: The integration of BLE technology allowed Hours clients to move beyond manual clock-ins and clock-outs, introducing an automated and efficient system for tracking workforce time schedules.
  • Real-Time Visibility: The solution provided real-time visibility into employee movements, ensuring accurate and up-to-date time tracking records.
  • Accuracy and Reliability: The automated system significantly reduced the chances of errors in time tracking, enhancing the overall accuracy and reliability of payroll calculations.
  • Operational Efficiency: With the elimination of manual entry points, the streamlined process saved time for both employees and HR, contributing to increased operational efficiency.

The collaboration resulted in positive outcomes for Hours and its clients:

  • Seamless Integration: The BLE solution seamlessly integrated with the existing software, demonstrating the flexibility and adaptability of the technology.
  • Enhanced Client Offerings: Hours strengthened its position in the market by offering an innovative, hands-free solution to its clients, addressing a key pain point in workforce time management.
  • Client Satisfaction: Clients experienced improved accuracy, reduced administrative burdens, and increased satisfaction with the enhanced capabilities of the software.

By embracing BLE technology in collaboration with our company, Hours successfully upgraded its time tracking software, providing clients with a more efficient and automated solution for workforce time schedule tracking. This strategic integration showcased the commitment of Hours to staying at the forefront of technology and meeting the evolving needs of its diverse client base.